Transforming a van…transforming a way of life.
“Dream Big and Dare to Fail”
- Norman D. Vaughan
November 10, 2018 I purchased a van with the goal to have a place to live between work assignments. My son agreed to help transform the van from a cargo van to a home. A year and seven months later to the day, it was done. It was quite the journey, but really only the beginning. I hope this site helps inspire you to make a change, take on a challenge and see it through to the end. Dream big and dare to fail. You can do it. You only fail when you quit. It took a lot of effort, but we did not quit and we crossed the finish line and are proud of the finish.
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Travel Blog & The Build
Check out my travel blog as I travel around the country during covid and find out if what we built works as we had hoped.