Every journey has a beginning…
The Transformation
Dream it.
It all begins with an idea. This was to start with a cargo van and end up with a home. We remember the starting line well and also remember we did not know how we were going to make this happen. It was the proverbial eating an elephant one bite at a time. We had an idea of what we wanted, but it came together and became more clear as we starting down the journey. This was the very beginning.
Build it.
There are so many pictures of the ‘middle’ of the build. For the record, the ‘middle’ was every day between the day we bought it and the day it drove off for good. We had to literally take it one step at a time keeping in mind what steps must be done in order.
Live it.
It seems each step was a small one and when you look at it as a finished product, it is hard to imagine it is a cargo van. It turned out so well…beyond our expectations. We reflected back of what we would do differently, and while there are some minor things we would change along the way, it turned out better than we could have imagined. It is now off on its journey around the US. First trip Texas to Alaska.